How the BHCP handicap value is determined
The BHCP, or base handicap, is calculated by the MWPHRF Technical Committe based upon information about the standard version of your boat. This value is set the first time a boat of your design decides to race under the PHRF handicap rule in the Midwest. Once set, it is then used for all boats of that design.
Often, the BHCP is well established based upon historical information. US Sailing publishes a book of BHCP values. The book lists the BHCP value for all types of boats that have raced under PHRF within the past ten years or so, and lists the values assigned by each of the regional handicapping authorities (of which MWPHRF is one). If a specific design of boat has not raced in the Midwest before, this book is one of the first references used by the Technical Committee to set the BHCP.
The Technical Committee will also compare the design characteristics of the standard model of the boat to other boats being raced within the fleet and will use that data to set the BHCP value.
If this boat or a similar boat holds a handicap certificate for ORC, the data from those certificates can also be used to set the BHCP value.
As is the case with all handicaps, a new BHCP, when set, is considered provisional for one or two years. It will be reviewd by the MWPHRF Council using race data that is available to ensure that it is accurate.
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